Asphalt is one of the best paving materials because of its resilience and longevity. Due to its durability, it’s often used on pavements, roads, parking lots, and driveways. However, it doesn’t last forever and needs to be maintained. Over time, gradual damage in the form of cracks, sinkholes and potholes can form.

The first step in asphalt maintenance is Crack Filling. Asphalt cracks should be repaired as they appear or at a minimum of once per year. Crack Filling is the most important first step in maintaining asphalt, but is often the most overlooked.
Water seeps into the subsurface; it freezes, thaws, and refreezes causing the subsoil to expand and contract, especially in our Colorado changing weather. Soon the area around the crack rapidly deteriorates and your little crack turns into a pothole. What could have been a small asphalt maintenance step can turn into a costly repair.
W. Holmes will remove any damaged material, prepare the area to be patched with an adhesive material, and fill it with cold patch, gator pave or hot asphalt. The patch is then compacted and the edges are sealed.
Call or text the W. Holmes team for a free estimate. We’re local, responsive and love what we do. Happy to answer any questions to determine if Crack Filling is all you need or if Seal Coating or any of our other services may benefit you.